Sunday, November 28, 2010

Savanna GA

We are spending the night at Savanna Oaks campground. got in here before noon, so had time to drive downtown to the visitors center.  Decided to take another trolley tour, this one had a guide telling the history of all of the historic squares, and absolutely beautiful homes.  I could fall in love with that old type of architecture, but the shear size of those homes was just unbelievable. What a beautiful city, but the streets are narrow, and the streets do not run through..lots of one ways and squares. By taking the trolley, both of us can look, don't have to worry about traffic and street names. We could get on and off at will, just had to be back to the bus stop to catch the next one. I've never known much about civil war history, but Savanna has quite a past. Found it very educational and interesting.  Loved the secret gardens !! Plants down here are totally different than MN, live oak trees hanging with spanish moss, and tropical blooming shrubs.
Tomorrow we will head towards Jacksonville FL, we have an apt. Tuesday in Wildwood FL to have the slide that leaks looked at and hopefully repaired.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Charleston SC

Finally have internet service again, and can get into my blog ..We have spent the last 2 nights in Charleston SC..
Since my last post, we have driven through the Smokey Mountains which were beautiful..leaves still on the trees with fall colors. Heavy traffic on the interstate.  Thanksgiving, left Spartanburg SC and drove to Charleston SC, got into Oak Plantation Campground early afternoon.  traditional thanksgiving dinner was at Ruby Tuesday..ribs and shrimp, first time we have eaten out since we left home.  I'm still waiting for the maid to come and clean, and room service to deliver food...guess I'll be waiting along time !!!!!!
Friday, we went to the visitors center in downtown Charleston, they have free bus routes through Christmas, so took 3 different routes, just kept changing onto a different bus route. Saw the downtown district and huge 3 block long market place.  All we did was get off at one stop and on at the next..was driving !!  We then went on to Patriots Point, home of the USS Yorktown aircraft carrier.  Spent hours climbing up and down steps, and at the maritime museum.  the submarine USS Clamagore is also docked there, which Wally went through.  By then, I had had enough steps.

Tomorrow, we will be heading for Savanna GA, for one night, then on towards Florida..will try and post whenever the internet is available..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Frankfort KY

We arrived in Frankfort KY late afternoon, finding the campground was a chore, traffic from the freeway was bad, everyone trying to get home for the holidays, last day of school at the University.
Everything is starting to dry out after the leak last night, took time to do a load of laundry and wash all the soaked bathtowels before we left this morning.
We are heading to Spartenburg,  SC tomorrow a little over 6 hr drive time.  Country coming through KY is pretty, we are camped by a river, it was getting dark when we got in, so didn't see much of it.  Temp has cooled off today, about 55*, but the sky was clear. I need to take time and get pictures taken !!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

We had our first major leak in the heavy wind and rain tonight..bedroom slide is leaking,,soaked every bath towel we had, Wally and I out in the wind and rain with a flashlight, tools, and ladder, Fun !!!! Guess I will be doing another load of laundry in the morning before we leave for Frankfort KY
We left Friday the 20th, trying to get ahead of the ice, snow, and bad weather. Drove as far as Cedar Falls IA, spent the night at Walmart , wonderful, 24 hr shopping !! Mad rush to get going, everything just dumped in.
Drove as far as Champaign IL..gas is averaging $2.69-$2.99 per gal.
In a cute little campground in Champaign, IL, waiting out the wind, and weather, too windy to drive this rig !!
Spent another night here, nice pull through spot, looking at the water..temp was almost 70*, but that must be the wind speed also..tried to spend the day unpacking, and finding a home for everything..did a load of laundry...
fun !!!! Thunderstorms and tornado warnings out for tonight.