Thursday, December 8, 2011

Josephina Javelina

I really have not had anything to post, our life is dull and boring.  Unless you want to see pictures of me doing laundry, grocery shopping and walking dogs..there is not much new.  It is hard to believe we will be here for a week already.

The weather is better today, lows are still below freezing, and highs in the 60's, but there was no wind today, and plenty of sunshine.  It really cools off as soon as the sun goes down.   I never get tired of watching the changing colors as the sunlight and shadows play across the hills, highlighting the cactus and rocks. We seem to walk farther everyday, the dogs seem to remember their dessert path.  Tonight, we had a coyote run across the trail right in front of us.

I did find out we can not download books onto our kindles without a wireless connection.  Amazon suggested we go to a wifi hot spot like McDonalds or Starbucks, or the regional library about 2 mles from us. Thank heaven we downloaded quite a few before we left home. I'll continue to work on this problem.

Now the rest of the story..Josephina Javelina.........definately NOT the 3 little pigs !!
(This is actually the name of a childs book that I fell in love with our first winter down here.)
 I was taking Mya out last night before bed, and from around the back of the motorhome, came a good size Javelina, Huffing and puffing at me..(they do not like dogs) It scared the ---- out of me !!!!  I threw Mya in the house, and Wally and I pulled out flashlights to watch.  There were 6-8 of them, the internet said adults weigh between 35 - 60 #, so they are not to be fooled with.  There were babies as well, so the momma's were not very nice. It has been so terribly dry here, they are eating the cactus which store water in the stems, and anything else they can find. If you have never seen one, do a search on Javelina, the website has a great video of them feeding in the desert. From now on when I go out at night, Wally will be going with me.
                          Can you see the toothmarks where they are eating the cactus ??

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