Saturday, November 27, 2010

Charleston SC

Finally have internet service again, and can get into my blog ..We have spent the last 2 nights in Charleston SC..
Since my last post, we have driven through the Smokey Mountains which were beautiful..leaves still on the trees with fall colors. Heavy traffic on the interstate.  Thanksgiving, left Spartanburg SC and drove to Charleston SC, got into Oak Plantation Campground early afternoon.  traditional thanksgiving dinner was at Ruby Tuesday..ribs and shrimp, first time we have eaten out since we left home.  I'm still waiting for the maid to come and clean, and room service to deliver food...guess I'll be waiting along time !!!!!!
Friday, we went to the visitors center in downtown Charleston, they have free bus routes through Christmas, so took 3 different routes, just kept changing onto a different bus route. Saw the downtown district and huge 3 block long market place.  All we did was get off at one stop and on at the next..was driving !!  We then went on to Patriots Point, home of the USS Yorktown aircraft carrier.  Spent hours climbing up and down steps, and at the maritime museum.  the submarine USS Clamagore is also docked there, which Wally went through.  By then, I had had enough steps.

Tomorrow, we will be heading for Savanna GA, for one night, then on towards Florida..will try and post whenever the internet is available..

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