Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Humphreys Peak

We left Camp Verde AZ this morning, starting the long journey home. There is still snow at higher elevtions, we ended up unhooking the jeep and drove seperately to get through the pass. 7000 feet and 7% grade. The highway patrol came up behind us while re-hooking the jeep to the motorhome, he didn't like where we had stopped !!!! He was nice enough, just gave us a warning.
I wanted to stop in Winslow AZ, "Standing on a corner in Winslow AZ"  byThe Eagles "Taking it Easy"... for everyone too young to remember..go to you tube !!
We lost an hour today while crossing into New Mexico, we are now on daylight savings time, once we cross out of New Mexico, we will be in central time zone again...so there goes another hour.
We are spending the night in a Walmart parkling lot in Gallup, New Mexico..we quit early today, everyone is tired. Tomorrow on to Tucumcari  NM, or farther..just depends on which road we take, and how far we want to drive...we are not in a hurry, but still are anxious to be home.

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