Thursday, January 13, 2011

Estralla Mountain and Star Tower

Decided it was finally time to test my knee, and try some hiking again. We did the Estrella Mountain regional Park, this was part of Mexico until 1853. the park covers 19,840 acres

Selected an "Easy Hike" mostly flat good surface 3 miles in length..I made it in 1 1/2 miles and turned around...duh..1 1/2 miles in and 1 1/2 miles out equals 3 miles..WHY did I not go the entire way, it was 3 miles either way !! ( I didn't have my hiking boots on...)

Star Tower...this is a 50 foot spiral tower built as a star observatory, built on the spiral to resemble the shape of the milky way. (Anyone ever hear of Princess Kay of the Milky Way ??) they hold astronomy events at the tower, have a star watching series with "Dr. Sky" a local radio show talk host who specializes in star watching.

View from the top of the Star Tower.

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