Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quartzsite AZ, and the week in review

Bernie and Marsha camped next to us at Cotton Lane on Saturday the 22nd, had a good time just sitting out in the sun, and having supper together. Sunday morning they packed up and moved on to Quartzsite AZ.

I have wanted to see Quartzsite for years..this is a town out in the middle of nowhere. this is a TDS TELECOM site that I took calls for while working in Winsted  while I worked for TDS (telephone data systems). Population goes from 3,000 to well over 1 million over winer, I would like access to their main frame, just to see what it looks like compaired to Winsted's..don't think I could understand the modern technology anymore !!

Main problems with Quartzsite:
TOO many RV's..
TOO many people
2 Stop lights in town
Thousands of people and cars
RV's parked for miles out of town in the dessert
Think of the MN State Fair X 100

This is NOT for me !!!

Today, Tuesday, they have the water shut off for line repair right next to us...how many men (I'm counting 5 or 6) does it take to fix a water leak ??? Believe me, this would never work in Minnesota..think Wally & Mick at Codger's Cove.
Wally is helping Randy fix some auto problem today, hope he brings home left-overs..June and I had girls day out last Tuesday..now it is their turn.
Weather is great..70 today, cooling off into the 40's overnight.

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