Monday, January 3, 2011

Goodyear AZ

Goodyear AZ....In 1912, Goodyear Tire and Rubber purchased 16,000 acres here, with the intention of growing cotton for their tire cords in airplanes during World War I....After the war, the community declined..but cotton is still grown here. I have never seen cotton growing, and can not believe the size of the cotton "Bales"..reminds me of round bailing in MN, but on a much larger scale. Check your car tires for the name "GOODYEAR"

During World War II, Goodyear again became a major manufacturing site, with Goodyear Aircraft employing most of the local people to build the famous "Goodyear Blimps" which we have all seen floating over the football stadiums on super bowl. This is also the home of Luke Airforce Base, which is the largest fighter training base in the world. They have very strict air corridors, training out over the dessert.

This is the famous "Mystery Building"...actually located just behind us. It was built in 1965 as a harness racing track, but since there were no roads from Phoenix coming this far west, it closed in 1967..and has been standing empty for over 40 years. It was used for the movie "No Code of Conduct" in 1997, staring Martin & Charlie Sheen, it is currently owned by the RV park we are in. The neighbors tell us, that before we got here, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) did a raid, using helicopters, dogs and men...rounding up 21 Illegal immigrants, and lots of "Stuff" with a street value of $$$$$$
We have withstood yet another "Arizona Storm front"...thunder, lightening, wind gusts over 48-60 mph..we did get up and pull the slides in..Temp has really cooled off, I can look at the mountains to the north of us and see snow....that is close enough !!!!! sun is out this morning, high today should hit 59*(warmer than it has been)( Grand Canyon had -30*below on New Years Eve), and warming up by weeks end.  Dogs have wonderful places to walk and explore.

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