Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rain / Snow day

Even in Arizona, there is winter weather..We have had rain since this morning, but there is 12-24 " of snow north of us in Flagstaff.  The I-17 is closed from Flagstaff to Sedona, with a 30 car pile up..Temp is 50* colder today than yesterday.  They are forecasting more snow and rain, even for this region, with 60 mph winds tomorrow.  We had the propane tank filled today, so the furnace and stove have plenty of fuel.. $80.00 for 20 gallons, twice the price as MN, but at least we will stay warm and can cook.
Finally got the internet up and working, ended up buying a broadband card and paying the fee for monthly unlimited usage. We just can not connect at the campgrounds, the signal is too low, so this seems to be working, at least after 24 hours, everything seems to be OK,  I hate being without an internet connection, this is my only way of communicating with everyone.
I did some laundry today, cleaned and repacked..since the coach is now stationary, and not on the road, I can finally get some stuff out again and leave it stand, without having to pack up every morning.
Remember the week we spent in Wildwood FL, having the leaking slide repaired ?? ( Paid BIG bucks $$$$$)  Guess what..............
with the rain today, it is leaking again !!##**####/// We are NOT happy campers..called Alliance coach, they want to know when we can bring it back in.. Wally informed them, that is NOT an option..And the story goes on........tomorrow is another day, who knows what adventures we will have..

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