Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gila Bend and the Painted Rock Petroglyph site

We decided to drive west today, about 75 miles, to Gila Bend.  I had read about the Painted Rock Petroglyph site, but reading about it and seeing it were two different things. I was not prepared for the Hundreds of figures carved in the rocks. I had packed my hiking boots, not sure how far we would have to walk in, and was surprised to find it quite close to the parking area.  This is BLM land, they will also let you drive in and dry camp for $8.00 a night. We will have to keep this place in mind for another time.

Hundreds of figures stand out against the dark basalt boulders, there are animals and humans, sun and moon, and many geometric figures, but no one really knows what these figures mean or why the ancient indians took the time to make them.

I was in total awe !!

We came past a dairy while out there, nicknamed it the "Nowhere Dairy.".on a road that comes from nowhere, goes nowhere, and is in the middle of nowhere.
Thousands of holstein cows, the milking parlor was huge, what we could see of it, too bad we could not get closer.  The open sheds have hundreds of fans blowing down on the cows to try and keep them cool when it hits 114*

Stack after stack of hay bales, they look brown, but where they have been unloading from the pile, it is a beautiful green.  We saw acre after acre of irrigated alfalfa fields, tractors in the field, grain bins with elevators and harvestor silos.  I have never thought of this part of Arizona as farming country.

On the way home, we stopped for lunch at the famous Gila Bend landmark, the Space Age Outer Limits Restaurant..You'll know it by the 28 foot wide flying saucer on the roof.

Even the dishes had flying saucers on them..the food was "Out of this World". this must have been one of the sites of the famous "Extraterrestial Sightings" Now go back and look at the pictures of the petroglyphs again..see anything ??

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