Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yuma Arizona

We are getting ready to leave this part of Arizona and start heading north and east. Our rent is up on the 26th, so will be moving on to another spot, gradually working our way towards home, but everything will depend on the weather to the north., we are under a winter storm watch right now, snow to the north, but just some rain here, very windy, the dirt is blowing until we can't see the mountains behind us.
 They have been cutting and baling hay across the street, and are flooding the field at night. It seems funny to see tractors and hay bales, they have been starting to harvest cabbage and carrots also. We will be seeing John & Joan and Randy & June this next week before we leave here.
Yuma is as far south and west as we will go this year. Located on the Colorado river, it is the crossing point into California.  On the way, we passed fields of date trees and a town named "Dateland", that sold date shakes..yuk !!!

The Territorial Prison was built in 1875, and when it was full, housed 400 prisioners, including women. It was closed in 1909, because it was overcrowded, but the space was later used by the Yuma High School, who to this day are known as the "Criminals".  Imagine going to school in a prison !!

  The guard tower was built on top of the water tank

The walls were 8 feet thick, and everything was built by the prisoners.  There were only 2 men that escaped and were never found.

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