Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fort Stockton TX

My biggest pet peeve............campgrounds that advertise internet or wi-fi, and you cannot connect !!!!

We are in Fort Stockton TX (sorry no pictures) We left Kerrrville this AM in heavy fog and a light drizzle, cold enough that the furnace turned on. Arrived in Fort Stockton to 82*, it's no wonder the dogs are either under a blanket, or panting from heat stroke.
Heading west towards Las Cruces NM tomorrow, we will cross back into mountain time, so will set the clock back one hour. From there, we are on our way to Benson AZ, where my cousin Cheri Beck lives.  She called yesterday and invited us for Christmas dinner, we can park the motor home in her yard, sounds like she will have a house full, but she is making room for us too.!!! We will spend several days with her,, and explore the Tucson area again.

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