Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Monday 11/29 St Augustine FL

I'm trying to catch up from all of the days I could not post anything.  We drove from Savanna GA to St Augustine and Stagecoach RV park.  Met Marsha and Bernie there, we had adjoining campsites which was great.. Wally and I took off in the afternoon to tour St Augustine, while Marsha  did laudry.
the city of St Augustine is the oldest city in the US, going back to 1565..It had a fort complete with moat and drawbridge and a city gate that closed at one in, no one out..that was 1672..this is where Poce de Leon thought he found the famous "Foutain of Youth"..we did not pay the $8.00 to drink from the spring..guesss I won't be getting any younger..
We all went out to supper together at Barnacle Bill's .  You know you are "Down South" when you open the menu and see things like: shrimp & grits, hush puppys with cinnamon butter, baked sweet potatoes, corn & tomatoe medley, boiled peanuts and collard greens.
Had a great evening with them !!

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