Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How I spent my Christmas Vacation

We left Las Cruces NM on Thursday 12/23..driving into Arizona, we had to go through a Bureau of Immigration check point.  Border patrol had german shepherds sniffing every vehicle going through.  They had several cars and trucks pulled to the side, and were unpacking everything in the vehicle.

We stayed with Cheri & Phil, parking the motorhome in their yard, quite the job getting something this size down dirt roads and through the cattle gates

Their son Christopher, his wife Shannon, granddaughter Courtney (age 5) plus their 2 dogs also stayed with them., so she had lots of people to cook for. They were also entertaining family and friends, so it was a busy time.  The food was FANTASTIC... Good thing we left after 4 days, or I would weigh 600 pounds. Cheri is as good of a cook as her mom was !!
We arrived in Goodyear AZ ( basically a suburb of Phoenix,) late afternoon, checked into Cotton Lane RV park, this will be our home for the next month, or possibly longer. Again, we opted for staying out of town, as you can see....shopping is less than 5 miles away, everything in Goodyear is new and clean, a very nice area, the dogs have plenty of space to walk

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