Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Las Cruces, New Mexico

We left Fort Stockton this morning, for it being 82* yesterday, it was down to 44* this morning. Gas prices are fluctuating any where from $3.38 to $2.89 per gallon, saw in Marsha's blog what gas prices were in Hutchinson, so don't feel so bad. We crossed over from central time, to mountain time, so turned the clocks back one hour, Poor dogs, they never know what time supper is any more !!
I am getting up close and personal with I-10, feel like I am spending a good part of my life on this interstate. they say everything is bigger in TX, guess that goes for the miles also, seems to take forever to get across the state. We came through El Paso TX, this afternoon, population 700,000 plus..right on the border with Mexico....take a wrong turn, and you end up on the international bridge to Mexico.
We are spending the night in Las Cruces, NM. this was an important town going back to 1848, it was the crossroad between San Antonio and the land to the west. It was the largest town in between San Antonio and San Diego CA.  It was a stop for the stage line, and mail delivery.
Tomorrow, we will be in Arizona, and spend the night in Benson with Cheri & Phil.

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