Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wildwood FL, for the 3rd day and counting

Still in Wildwood FL, at Alliance RV..turns out our problem was worse than expected...they have to pull out the entire bedroom slide and replace everything that the moisture has rotted away.  this is not a new leak, has been going on for some time, previous owner must have tried to fix, and screwed it up even worse, we cannot stay in it tonight, as the entire side is pulled off, so we are sitting in a motel room with 2 dogs, at least there is Internet.
We had the whole day to ourselves, so drove to Homosassa Springs state park, only to find out that in the state of Florida, dogs cannot be left in a vehicle.  Since it has rangers patrolling, we could get fined and turned in if we took the boat ride and left them in the much for that. We drove as far north as Crystal River, seems funny to be following hurricane evacuation routes. Stopped for lunch at Olive Garden, then back to the dealership to check on work progress. Slide is off, nice hole in the side of the bedroom. We will still be there tomorrow, hopefully will be done and we can leave by Saturday afternoon ?????? God willing..took some good pictures of it, but my cord to download from the camera is in the coach, and I am not..maybe tomorrow I'll sit in the office and work on pictures.
We still have tomorrow to kill time, may head out the other direction and see what we find. there was frost here last night, had to scrape the windshield in the jeep before we could leave, warmed up nice to about 65* this afternoon, more of the same for tonight and tomorrow.
Yesterday afternoon, Marsha and Bernie found us at the repair center, and stopped to see if we needed help, they remembered we were going to ironic, we've seen each other twice already !! Nice of them to take time to check on us and see if we needed help. LOVE my family !!!!

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